Science tells us as we age, skin cells renew at a slower rate, and trying to force cell renewal to work faster, with over exfoliation techniques, only speeds up the rate at which your cells age.
Protect the epidermis, the skin’s protective layer
The superficial cells of the epidermis (the outermost layer of skin) protect the dermis where immune cells, collagen, and elastin, work to maintain the skin’s support and structure. As well as protecting the dermis from the environment, the epidermis forms a shield against invading pathogens, bacteria and viruses. It also provides protection from UV light, and it’s microbiology keeps the skin in balance.
The dermis thins with age, environmental exposure and poor health. The integrity of the dermis can also be damaged if we remove layers of the epidermis. This is what happens by over-exfoliating.
What is over-exfoliating?
Over-exfoliating is the aggressive removal of the epidermal layers. This occurs with strong peels, micro/ hydra dermabrasion, dermaplaning, or worse combinations of these, and you’ve just removed the protective layer of the skin. You’ve also exposed skin that it’s biologically unable to deal with the environment, leading to a cascade of inflammation and longer term skin issues that may include breakouts, pigmentation and issues such as Rosacea and Dermatitis. The skin is sent into crisis mode as it fights to maintain protection and, as a result, we divert resources from the dermis to the epidermis to restore the skin’s barrier.
This is why winter is not “peel season”. In fact, it’s the time to nurture, restore and maintain protection by using treatments that increase the skin’s health and nurture its immune system. I won’t be popular in saying this, but the “glass facial” or the triple exfoliating type treatments that leave the skin “glowing” aren’t a long-term answer to skin health. In the long term, they will cause acceleration of cell degradation and prematurely age the recipients’ skin.
What can we do to achieve skin health?
To achieve skin health and maintain that “glow” we use ingredients and treatments that mimic and support skin health, maintain skin hydration, focus on gentle ingredients. We should feed the skin from the inside out by eating a well-balanced diet which includes lean protein, oily fish, nuts and seeds along with vegetables and fruits. Drinking water is essential to support skin health and prevent premature ageing.
You should also try to avoid stress and not smoke (or vape). Both contribute to early skin ageing.
Treatments like the Dermaviduals Facial, Dermalux LED and Microneedling all work to boost skin health and the skin barrier. They also nurture the skin’s immune system, increase epidermal and dermal function and therefore, the long term appearance of the skin.