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26th January 2025

Over-exfoliating your skin can age you faster!

Science tells us as we age, skin cells renew at a slower rate, and trying to force cell renewal to work faster, with over exfoliation techniques, only speeds up the rate at which your cells age. Protect the epidermis, the skin’s protective layer The superficial cells of the epidermis (the outermost layer of skin) protect […]

Anti-Aging, Skin Health
25th June 2020

Beauty and Aesthetic Salons Reopening – Coronavirus Update

As you are aware I am eager to return to work as soon as possible and like many clients look forward to the reopening of Beauty and Aesthetic Salons. Getting back to what I love is very important to me but your safety and health are at the forefront of my mind when planning re-opening. […]

27th April 2020

Why should I use Hyaluronic Acid in my skincare regimen?

Hyaluronic Acid is naturally found within the human body, within every cell – It’s the main substance that gives our skin the natural dewy youthful look we all strive for. Its highest concentration is found within skin tissue but it also makes up the fluid between our joints (synovial fluid) and the fluid in our […]

Anti-Aging, Skin Health
23rd April 2020

Environmental ageing and the importance of Vitamin C

Vitamin C slows the ageing process and protects the skin and a simple experiment with an apple helps illustrate just how much of an important role it can play. Vitamin C and the apple To illustrate why Vitamin C is important, and why I love Image Skincare Vital C Serum, I enlisted the expert photographic skills of […]

Anti-Aging, Skin Health
22nd March 2020

Image Skincare Home Facial Kit step-by-step instructions

I’ve put together a step-by-step instructions so you can carry out your own treatment using my Image Skincare Home Facial Kit from the comfort of your own home; designed to be an interim booster until your next professional appointment. Order the Home Facial Kit You can buy the kit here. Step-by-step Image Skincare Home Facial Kit instructions 1 Cleanse Add a […]

Events, Services, Skin Health
17th March 2020

Coronavirus COVID-19

I have delayed in posting any updates on my pages as we all know this situation is changing daily. Whilst we deal with the uncertainty of Coronavirus, I wanted to reassure you all about measures that I am taking. I am fiercely protective of my business and you as my clients, but I wanted to […]

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