Skin Health

1st April 2018

LED Photofacials – all you need to know

I get asked a lot of questions about LED Photofacials, here are the most common. If you have any concerns please send me an email at What results can LED Photofacials achieve? Because LED Photofacials are a proven treatment with visible results all clients will experience improved skin hydration, firming, reduced signs of aging […]

Anti-Aging, Skin Health
28th February 2018

Dermaplaning. Every Question Answered

Dermaplaning is a skincare treatment that uses a sterile surgical instrument. It immediately rejuvenates the skin by removing the outermost layer of dead skin cells and vellus hair. What makes Dermaplaning so good? It is highly effective in minimising the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles and acne scars It leaves skin smooth, supple and vibrant. […]

Anti-Aging, Services, Skin Health
13th January 2018

The skin peel Q&A

I’m always being asked, what is a skin peel? What are they? How can they help my skin? Will my skin literally peel?! My quick Q&A below will help you understand the how and why of skin peels. If you have any further questions or think I should expand upon anything, I’d love to hear […]

Anti-Aging, Services, Skin Health
26th February 2017

Acne – Understanding & Tackling the Condition

Acne and the quest for clear skin In the spirit of keeping things “real” I’m writing this because I want you all to understand that even I, a skin specialist of over 20 years still get acne! I have struggled with my skin from time to time all of my adult life whilst some women […]

Services, Skin Health